Updated: 1/14/03 by Mithrandir

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Book Erratta:
Erratta #1
Date: 11/10/02
Chapter: 17
Page: 510
File: graph.h
Severity: Mild
In section "The Depth-First Search", The line that says:
        DListIterator<GraphArc<Coordinates, int> > itr = 

should instead read:
        DListIterator<Arc> itr = 

This error will not let you use the DepthFirst() function on graphs that don't have the form:
Graph<Coordinates, int>
Changing the code to the proper form will allow you to use this function on any graph.

Severity: mild; the error only affects independent code that the user will write, since the code works fine for the graphs used in the book, which only use
<Coordinates, int>
as their parameters.

Erratta #2
Date: 1/14/03
Chapter: 23
CD: Graphical Demonstrations 2 through 5, Game Demonstration 1
Severity: Major
The Graphical Demonstrations 23-2 through 23-5 and Game Demonstration 23-1 are not on the CD. I don't know why, but you can download them here.

Severity: Major, since these demo's are pretty damn cool and are essential to the book.