DropMod displays all news in a dropdown list. Select the one you want and it takes you there.
build 1.0
DropMod is a simple plugin. Its entire functionality consists of displaying a dropdown list of all the news items in the database that you have permission to modify. When you choose one, it presents you with the Modify News page, but the news item you selected is the only one visible.
DropMod iterates through the news database, extracting the news subject from each item. It checks to make sure you are (A) the person who submitted the item, or (B) a webmaster.
If either condition is true, it adds it to the list. When you choose an item from the list, it sets $NPConfig{'Modify_ItemsPerPage'} = 1 so that only that one news item will appear. Then it calls Modify News. (Changing this setting doesn't do anything, since settings aren't saved by DropMod or RemoveNews)
Downloadposted by plushpuffin (30/4/2000)